莱娅公主 语录



好莱坞女星凯丽费雪(Carrie Fisher),《星球大战》粉丝心目中永远的莱娅公主上星期心脏衰竭逝世,享年60岁。与其称费雪为女星,不如称她为作家,她其实更擅长于写作,生前创作电影剧本、小说与自传,用幽默、自嘲、机智的文字叙述她与精神疾病、毒瘾搏斗的大半生,字字珠玑。

"They always do [ask me to lose weight]. They want to hire part of me, not all of me. They want to hire about three-fourths, so I have to get rid of the fourth somehow."


"Even in space there's a double standard for women." Fisher on being told by George Lucas she had to be bra-less under her white costume and not given a lightsaber."

“女人即使上了太空还得面对双重标准。” 费雪对导演卢卡斯指示她不得在白袍下穿胸罩,以及不给她在戏里拿光剑的回应。

"I am Princess Leia, no matter what. If I were trying to get a good table, I wouldn't say I wrote Postcards [From the Edge, her best-selling novel]. Or, if I'm trying to get someone to take my check and I don't have ID, I wouldn't say: "Have you seen [When] Harry Met Sally?" Princess Leia will be on my tombstone."


"Sometimes you can only find Heaven by slowly backing away from Hell."


"I like Princess Leia. I like how she handles things. I like how she treats people. She tells the truth. She, you know, gets what she wants done.


"I feel I'm very sane about how crazy I am."


"I'm not happy about being older, except what are the options?"


"I am hoping to get the centerfold in Psychology Today."


"Resentment is like drinking a poison and waiting for the other person to die."

