维初学生被某些公众排挤 王乙康呼吁国人不要陷入非理性恐慌







Had a good visit to VJC today. The students were in good spirits and going about their lessons and activities. Many were disappointed that CCAs got suspended :( But something they told me troubled me. In public areas, some people gave them strange stares; one student encountered a lady who refused to sit next to her on the bus; another was denied service by a food seller. But their friends from other schools were very supportive and caring, and gave them full encouragement. Remember, if we look at VJC students or staff differently just because a teacher there was infected by the nCoV, out in the world people can treat us as Singaporeans the same way. We cannot control how the outside world sees us but we can control how we see one another in our little island. We are all in this together. Take precautions, practice good hygiene, take care of one another, but don’t give in to irrational fear. #vjunite

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