








What word best represents 2019? Our pick is: "Green"! The colour of nature and eco-friendliness, 2019 saw an increase in green practices all over Singapore - us included! Although we have a long history of repurposing our stage materials, we took it to the next level in 2019 with #PracticeGreen. From paperless script reads to our recycling and composting efforts, we believe every small bit helps! Plus, our Practice colour is GREENish blue - what better reason is there! Vote for the word of the year, find out more at @zaobaosg . “字述一年”2019,哪个字能成为今年的年度汉字呢?我们选择“青”! 青,象征着万物生长,生机勃勃,以及对于环境的关爱。你发现了吗?我们标志的颜色中也带有青色的成分!这么多年来,我们一直实践环保,除了将道具、布景等材料不断地再循环利用。近年来也尽量减少使用纸张,像是围读剧本以及近期的表演,采用电子档案,我们相信每一个小举动都是对地球的保护! 投选2019年度汉字, 详情请前往联合早报网站。 #ZBword2019 #thetheatrepractice #实践剧场 #green #青

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The Word of the Year poll 字述一年, which Zaobao first organised in 2011, invites readers to choose a Chinese character that they feel would best summarise the major local and international news events of the year. The 10 shortlisted characters for 2019 are: 乱 (disorder), 贸 (trade), 假 (fake), 暖 (warming), 反 (opposition), 怼 (resentment), 极 (polarisation), 港 (abbreviation for Hong Kong), 火 (fire) and 青 (youth). Get creative and post an original image of your choice on Instagram with the hashtag #ZBword2019 and tag @zaobaosg until 13th Dec and you’ll be eligible to win a pair of tickets to Jay Chou’s Carnival World Tour concert here in Singapore next year (10th Jan, Cat 2 tics worth $328 each). Zaobao will select the most creative and meaningful Instagram post as the winner. Winner will be announced after 14th December. For more info, please go to: http://bit.ly/ZBword2019 My choosen word for 2019 - 贸 (trade). That's because the trade war between the two most powerful nations in the world has shaken up the lives of everyone globally. On a personal note, I also took up a role at SingEx entering into the B2B trade marketing world and hence the word also holds personal significance for me. What is the word that connects with you the most? #wordoftheyear #tradewar #singex

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Entering the 1st day of December and also the last month of the year, I think this would be the best moment to take a look back on all the past 11 months of 2019. If you can pick a Chinese word that best summarizes this year, what would be your choice? Among the 10 selected Chinese words by @zaobaosg , namely 乱、假、反、怼、暖、极、港、火、贸、青,I’ve picked 青(green or youth). Youth is the most vulnerable phase of one’s life, without proper guidance, youth could be the worst destructive force to be reckoned with; but at the same time, youth could also represent hope and future provided they are guided onto the right path. I sincerely hope the world could witness the bright and positive side of all youth in 2020. 新加坡“联合早报”2019字述一年,10大汉字投选活动开始了。我选择了“青”,你又会挑中哪一个?#zbword2019 #leekowfong #kowfong #ahguo #阿果 #字述一年2019 #年度汉字 #singaporeart #singaporeartist #papercutting #wordoftheyear #wordoftheyear2019 #singaporeillustrators #doodling #doodle #lianhezaobao #2019 #papercraft #paperart #剪纸

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乱极思治 乱中有序 2019字述一年,我选 "乱"。 蛋糕上面的颜色代表了很复杂的心情。糖玻璃代表破碎的。歪了的乱,令人混乱的。不规则中却有序。隐约的金色象征越是极乱中,越是让人团结,才有曙光。 乱 disorderly, random, confuse, unrest, upheaval I chose this word as ZaoBao Word of the year 2019. Very happy to be invited by @zaobaosg to participate in #ZBword2019 #wordoftheyear #字述一年2019 #联合早报 #zaobaosg #zaobao Chose the word best represent 2019 : 乱、假、反、怼、暖、极、港、火、贸、青 哪个将成为2019年度汉字? Post the word on your IG in the most creative way between now 24th Nov till 9th Dec and stand a chance to win Jay Chou's concert tickets! More info on: http://interactive.zaobao.com/word-of-the-year/2019/ #contest #singapore #シンガポール #新聞 #コンテスト# #friendsofzaobao #vote #cake #isomalt #ケーキ #patissier #homebake #パテシエ #design #instagram #sgcakes #customisedcakes #お菓子 #케이크 #과자 #instaeats #instafood #매일 #zaobaosg

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UFM100.3 DJ欣盈选的年度汉字是“港”。她之所以选择“港”,是由于港府动荡局势自今年6月起不断升温,世界新闻眼聚焦至今,是人人关切忧心的话题。

UFM100.3 DJ小猪选择的年度汉字是“火”。她认为,今年发生的许多新闻事件,让她看到人们有意识或无意识地破坏环境,公物,甚至世界遗产,宛如一把火烧尽了前人的努力。今年也是电动代步工具火患频频发生的一年。她表示,自己最在意的是不负责任地售卖、及使用不合格的电动代步工具,导致意外发生,殃及池鱼。



没错!我的 #字述一年2019 就是 火 火烧冲绳首里城 火烧巴黎圣母院 火烧奥地利哈尔施塔特小镇 火烧香港地铁站出口 澳洲林火烧不停 电动踏板车引火患 我们有意识没意识破坏环境、公物、世界遗产。。一把烧尽了前人的努力 而我最在意的是,不负责任售卖/使用不合格电动代步工具,意外发生,殃及池鱼,很无辜 . . . 你的字述一年又是哪个字呢? 乱、假、反、怼、暖、极、港、火、贸、青? 12月9号之前,通过zaobao.sg字述一年专网或剪下刊登在早报的表格投票 有机会赢取包括两晚总价值3500元的酒店套房住宿等奖品 @zaobaosg #ZBword2019

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好FM 963DJ丽仪选择了“青”。“青”是植物生长之色,是生命力的象征,也是15、16岁至30岁年轻人的代名词。她以一张充满绿意的草丛代表年度汉字“青”,让人看见大自然的美,也唤醒人们对“青”的思考。





/ 2011年,我拍的香港。那次之后,没有机会再回去。 . 2019年,香港人的 “反送中” 运动,数百万人走上街头诉求,震撼全球。 . 新加坡联合早报年度 “字述一年” 活动,邀读者一起回顾一年的新闻大事,投选一个汉字总结。 . 今年的候选字 - 乱、假、反、怼、暖、极、港、火、贸、青,最牵动我心的,便是 “港”。愿香港可以很快浴火重生。 . . . . . . . . #lianhezaobao #zaobaosg #ZBword2019 #travel #wanderlust #lifestyle #everydaytravel #stayandwander #exploreeverything #letsgodomewhere #roamtheplanet #igdaily #whereintheworld #hongkong #streetphotography #solarcollective #vsco #香港 #香港加油

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